Ansias (Yearning)

Publicado el 28 febrero 2019 por Serbero @serbero
Spanish English

(detail from an original pic by 
Luz Soria)


Llegar a Madrid con las maletas llenas de ilusión, sueños, metas y muchos pajaritos. Elegir la capital para preparar el MIR con las mismas ansias de comerse la capital. 

Siento el spoiler pero el priori ya avecinaba el posteriori.Unos años de ruda disciplina, horas de biblioteca, fina precisión práctica y pudo terminar Medicina sin aumentar los años como muchos de sus compañeros. Un privilegiado del orden y la templanza.El cambio de ciudad, derrumba ese locuaz tramado de buenas disposiciones y durante las nuevas clases, que son duras y requieren otra dosis de disciplina, no deja de conectarse a su Instagram de forma adictiva. Likes, comentarios, búsqueda de aprobación e inversión de tiempo. No consigue que su cuenta crezca como quisiera y tampoco concentrarse en sus clases.Fiestas por descubrir, la We y los chulazos, los viernes en Boite, algún Baila Cariño, domingos de Tanga y por qué no... Kluster para los momentos más tórridos. Tantos nuevos chicos que catar y tan poco tiempo para alimentar esas ganas de vivir. Y en ciertos momentos de dudas, siempre estaba él, ese chico formal donde resguardarse y al que acudir, ese al que contarle debilidades siempre fue más fácil.Hasta que este chico le devuelve sus propios comentarios, sus propias dudas y sus propios argumentos y parece tosco, bruto o incluso desacertado, con lo que el doctor en ciernes le devuelve su intento de ayuda con ninguna vela en el entierro. 

Ahora, meses después, sigue teniendo las mejores fiestas, un instagram sin tantos likes, el MIR totalmente desestimado, un ex chico y unas ansias devoradas por la ciudad


Arriving in Madrid with your suitcases packed with hope, dreams, goals, and your head in the clouds. Choosing the capital to prepare your RMI with the same yearning for taking the city by storm.

I'm sorry for the spoiler, but the foresight turned out to anticipate what was coming.

A few years of severe discipline, long hours in the library, fine practical precision and he could have graduated medical school without putting it off like many of his classmates. A privileged man thanks to his ways and level-headedness.

Moving to another city resulted in him knocking down his plans and his willingness, and during his new lectures, which are tough and require another dose of discipline, he found himself checking out his Instagram compulsively. Likes, comments, the need for approval, and time investment. He is unable to make his profile grow as much as he would have liked nor concentrate on his classes.

Parties yet unknown, WE and the studs, Fridays at Boite, a few Baila Cariño, Sundays for Tanga and why not... Kluster for his raunchiest moments. So many new guys to taste and so little time to feed his lust for life.

And in certain moments of self-doubt, he was always there, that conventional guy he could always turn to in search of shelter. The one he always found easier to tell his weaknesses to until he starts giving his own comments, his own doubts and his own arguments in return and he seems blunt, abrupt, and even wrong. It is then that the doctor in the making tries to unsuccessfully send back some help.

Now, a few months later, he keeps having the best parties, an Instagram account with not as many likes, a totally dismissed RMI, an ex and longing devoured by the city.