Argynnis paphia (silver-washed fritillary)

Publicado el 05 octubre 2015 por Siro Siro Moya @eldruidanet

Os dejo una Argynnis paphia (silver-washed fritillary) ….

I show you a Argynnis paphia (silver-washed fritillary)

Camera Model : Canon EOS 7D
Exposure time [s] : 1/160, handled
F-Number : 3.2
ISO speed ratings : 200
Date taken : 2014:06:27 09:34:10
Exposure bias value : 2/3
Flash : no
Focal length [mm] : 60mm
Flickr : enlace
500px : enlace

Foto realizada en Serra do Courel (Lugo).
The picture has been taken in Serra do Courel (Lugo).

Kind regards.

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If you want to be informed about everything related to photography you can follow us by our twitter or facebook.