(pic by Llum's pictures)
Te pedí que me ayudaras con mi impaciencia infantil, con mi insistencia infinita, con mi inoportuna verborrea... porque sí, lo admito, me puede la necesidad de repetir una y otra vez lo que ninguna necesidad tiene de ser repetido...
Te pedí que lo hicieras con dulzura, porque para rudo ya lo soy yo. Que lo hicieras con paciencia porque impaciente ya lo soy yo. Sí, que me aguantaras un poco hasta que yo dulcificara mis modos.
Te pedí sinceridad contigo mismo, la misma que a mí me cuesta a veces tener conmigo mismo."Siempre supe que es mejor, cuando hay que hablar de dos, empezar por uno mismo" decía Shakira... porque en cosas de dos, casi nunca son de dos.¿Era tanto pedir?... ¿Esa fue mi responsabilidad? Quizá debería decir mi irresponsabilidad... Ok, la admito...Las cosas de dos, casi nunca son de dos... Todos tenemos ejemplos de ello, quizá en otro post te enumero alguno, o quizá no... y así no me repito, porque con este post he vuelto a hacerlo ya!A-TWO WAY THINGI asked you to help me with my childish impatience, with my never ending persistence, with my inappropriate verbosity... because yes, I admit it. I can't help it but to repeat over and again what no necessity has to be repeated.
I asked you to do it softly, as I'm the rude one. I asked you to be patient, as I'm the impatient one. Yes, i asked you to cope with it until I was able to smooth out my manners.
I asked you to be honest to yourself, something I struggle to be with myself.
"I always knew it's best to, when it's a two-way thing, to start with oneself" as Shakira said... because when it comes to a two-way thing, it's hardly ever a two-way thing.
Was that too much to ask? Was that my responsibility? Maybe I should say it was my irresponsibility. Ok, I'll admit that.
Two-way things are never two-way things... We all can provide examples of it. I may number a bunch of them in another post, or maybe not. Otherwise I'd be repeating myself as I've already done so with this one!