Así que simplemente esperamos que disfrutéis de unas muy felices fiestas y que el próximo 2013 os proporcione aquello que de verdad os haga sentir mejor y más completos como personas.
Como en veces anteriores os dejamos un par de temas musicales que os ayuden a poneros en "modo navideño".
En primer lugar un villancico medieval titulado "Orientis Partibus", la primera estrofa es algo así como "De oriente ha venido el asno" y a pesar de que es un anónimo de hace 900 años sigue siendo una música maravillosa:
En segundo lugar os dejo, como el año pasado, una pieza del increíble concierto de Sting "If on a Winter's Night" titulada "Cherry Tree Carol" o sea el "Villancico del Cerezo":
La letra es tan sencilla como preciosa, pura navidad:
When Joseph was an old man, an old man was he
He courted Virgin Mary, the Queen of Galilee
He courted Virgin Mary, the Queen of Galilee
When Joseph and Mary were walking one day
Here is apples and cherries so fair to behold
Here is apples and cherries so fair to behold
Then Mary spoke to Joseph, so meek and so mild
"Joseph, gather me some cherries for I am with child"
"Joseph, gather me some cherries for I am with child"
Then Joseph flew in anger, in anger he flew
"Let the father of the baby gather cherries for you"
"Oh, Let the father of the baby gather cherries for you"
So the cherry-tree bowed low down, low down to the ground,
And Mary gathered cherries while Joseph stood down
And Mary gathered cherries while Joseph stood down
Then Joseph took Mary all on his right knee
Crying, "Lord, have mercy for what I have done"
Crying, "Lord, have mercy for what I have done"
When Joseph was an old man, an old man was he
He courted Virgin Mary, the Queen of Galilee
He courted Virgin Mary, the Queen of Galilee
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