Falsa modestia (False modesty)

Publicado el 21 noviembre 2019 por Serbero @serbero
Spanish English


La que utilizaste conmigo te sirvió. Debí estar con bajas defensas mientras escuchaba a tus ojos azules.

Me creí esa tuya inseguridad basada en no ser físicamente igual que los actores pornos o los mr Universo que circulan por el mundo online. Esa constante vuelta a tu pasado de físico no autoaceptado. Esa necesidad imperante de destacar en el entorno de los cánones normativos. Me creí que no te quisieras lo suficiente a pesar de que todos pudiéramos ver la meta alcanzada porque para normativo deseado, tú entero. Nadie podría negarlo. 1,85, cara de ángel, cuerpo de bombero, voz de locutor y estudiante de ingeniería.
Me creí incluso que yo era físicamente tu tipo cuando realmente tus ex estaban pasados por tu mismo patrón y aunque yo pudiera encontarme dentro de ese canon establecido, objetivamente no alcanzaba sus  niveles de cincel renacentista.
El diseñador y el enfermero no te creyeron. Al primero, con sobrepeso considerable, y al segundo, muy por debajo de la estatura media, les vendiste el mismo cuento que no te compraron... Ellos no se deslumbraron por el envoltorio. Ellos, que no entraban en la regla normativa actual, te supieron reconocer tanto a ti como a ese cuento que yo sí pagué y que estaba en blanco. Ese cuento que utilizabas para engrosar tu listado de víctimas crédulas. Ese cuento tan falso como tu modestia


The one you used with me worked so good. I surely had my defenses down while listening to your blue eyes.
I believed your insecurity based on not being physically the same as the porn actors or the Mr. Universe that circulate through the online world. That constant return to your past of unaccepted physique. That prevailing need to stand out in the environment of normative canons. I thought you didn't love yourself enough even though we could all see the goal achieved because you incarnated the ultimate desired norm. No one could deny it. 1.85m, angel face, firefighter body, radio voice and studying to be an engineer.
I even thought that I was physically your type when your exes were cut by the same pattern and although I could find myself within that established canon, I objectively did not reach your levels of Renaissance beauty.
The designer and the nurse did not believe you. You tried to sell them (the first one was overweight, and  the second one, well below the average height) this same story and they did not buy it.... They were not dazzled by the packaging. They, who did not enter into the current normative rule, knew how to recognize both you and that story that I did buy and that was blank. That story you used to swell your list of credible victims. That story as fake as your modesty.