Nota (pun intended):
*“The cannabis experience has greatly improved my appreciation for art, a subject which I had never much appreciated before. The understanding of the intent of the artist which I can achieve when high sometimes carries over to when I'm down. This is one of many human frontiers which cannabis has helped me traverse. There also have been some art-related insights - I don't know whether they are true or false, but they were fun to formulate. For example, I have spent some time high looking at the work of the Belgian surrealist Yves Tanguey. Some years later, I emerged from a long swim in the Caribbean and sank exhausted onto a beach formed from the erosion of a nearby coral reef. In idly examining the arcuate pastel-colored coral fragments which made up the beach, I saw before me a vast Tanguey painting. Perhaps Tanguey visited such a beach in his childhood.” — Carl Sagan (1971) Mi gestión es este blog es considerablemente ingenua (naive). Si cumple con el fin de satisfacer una necesidad, la de pensar. Se espera un intercambio de ideas, a la luz de temas discutidos en las artes literarias, filosofía, actualidad, ciencias, etc.