Magazine LiveDVD en la nueva versión incorpora más juegos.

Publicado el 16 junio 2010 por Luis Alberto @msdiaz61 LiveDVD  en la nueva versión incorpora más LiveDVD fue creado con la intención de presentar una serie de juegos para Linux en la pasada exposición LinuxTag 2007, celebrada en Berlín y qeu continúa en la LinuxTag 2010.
Ha sido publicada la nueva versión 0.9.6 de esta distribución liveDVD incorporando nuevos juegos.
El anuncio oficial (a travès de Distrowatch):
Marko Kaiser has announced the release of linuX-gamers Live 0.9.6, an Arch-based live CD/DVD/USB image containing a large collection of popular Linux games: "We recently released a new version of our games distribution. New features: host system in local network. New games: Osmos demo, LinCityNG, OpenTTD.
All other games are based on their most recent versions. You will notice that there are two editions now. Lite ISO: a small CD image (700 MB) containing a limited games selection suitable for children and older computers.
Burn it to a blank CD-R/CD-RW using regular Linux or Linux tools like Nero, K3B, Infrarecorder, etc. Alternatively, you can write it to a USB device (at least 1 GB capacity). Big ISO: a big DVD image (4.7 GB) containing the full games selection for adults and more recent computers. Burn it to a blank DVD-R/DVD-RW using any burning tool of your choosing or write it to a USB device (at least 5 GB capacity).
Here is the brief
release announcement.
Download: lglive-0.9.6-i686-hybrid-big.iso (4,477MB, MD5, torrent). LiveDVD  en la nueva versión incorpora más juegos.
En esta versión los juegos incluídos en la versión big son los siguientes:
* armagetronad (tron-like)
* astromenace (shoot-em-up)
* blobby2 (beachball)
* chromium-bsu (shoot-em-up)
* extremetuxracer (down-hill racing)
* foobillard (billard)
* frozen-bubble (puzzle)
* lbreakout2 (breakout)
* ltris (tetris)
* neverball (balance puzzle)
* neverputt (minigolf)
* osmos-demo (ambience puzzle)
* pingus (puzzle, lemmings-like)
* smc (jump-and-run)
* teeworlds (action)
* worldofgoo-demo (puzzle)
* xmoto (action, balance)
* fretsonfire (music)
* glest (real time strategy)
* hedgewars (artillery, worms-like)
* lincity-ng (city builder)
* maniadrive (action driving, stunts)
* nexuiz (first person shooter)
* openlierox (action)
* openttd (industry planner)
* sauerbraten (first person shooter)
* scorched3d (artillery)
* supertuxkart (kart racing)
* tremulous (first person shooter)
* urbanterror (first person shooter)
* warsow (first person shooter)
* warzone2100 (real time strategy)
* wesnoth (turn-based strategy)
* widelands (real time strategy, settlers-like)
* worldofpadman (first person shooter)
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