LiveDVD en la nueva versión incorpora más juegos.

Publicado el 16 junio 2010 por Luis Alberto @msdiaz61 LiveDVD fue creado con la intención de presentar una serie de juegos para Linux en la pasada exposición LinuxTag 2007, celebrada en Berlín y qeu continúa en la LinuxTag 2010.
Ha sido publicada la nueva versión 0.9.6 de esta distribución liveDVD incorporando nuevos juegos.
El anuncio oficial (a travès de Distrowatch):
Marko Kaiser has announced the release of linuX-gamers Live 0.9.6, an Arch-based live CD/DVD/USB image containing a large collection of popular Linux games: "We recently released a new version of our games distribution. New features: host system in local network. New games: Osmos demo, LinCityNG, OpenTTD.
All other games are based on their most recent versions. You will notice that there are two editions now. Lite ISO: a small CD image (700 MB) containing a limited games selection suitable for children and older computers.
Burn it to a blank CD-R/CD-RW using regular Linux or Linux tools like Nero, K3B, Infrarecorder, etc. Alternatively, you can write it to a USB device (at least 1 GB capacity). Big ISO: a big DVD image (4.7 GB) containing the full games selection for adults and more recent computers. Burn it to a blank DVD-R/DVD-RW using any burning tool of your choosing or write it to a USB device (at least 5 GB capacity).
Here is the brief
release announcement.
Download: lglive-0.9.6-i686-hybrid-big.iso (4,477MB, MD5, torrent).

En esta versión los juegos incluídos en la versión big son los siguientes:
* armagetronad (tron-like)
* astromenace (shoot-em-up)
* blobby2 (beachball)
* chromium-bsu (shoot-em-up)
* extremetuxracer (down-hill racing)
* foobillard (billard)
* frozen-bubble (puzzle)
* lbreakout2 (breakout)
* ltris (tetris)
* neverball (balance puzzle)
* neverputt (minigolf)
* osmos-demo (ambience puzzle)
* pingus (puzzle, lemmings-like)
* smc (jump-and-run)
* teeworlds (action)
* worldofgoo-demo (puzzle)
* xmoto (action, balance)
* fretsonfire (music)
* glest (real time strategy)
* hedgewars (artillery, worms-like)
* lincity-ng (city builder)
* maniadrive (action driving, stunts)
* nexuiz (first person shooter)
* openlierox (action)
* openttd (industry planner)
* sauerbraten (first person shooter)
* scorched3d (artillery)
* supertuxkart (kart racing)
* tremulous (first person shooter)
* urbanterror (first person shooter)
* warsow (first person shooter)
* warzone2100 (real time strategy)
* wesnoth (turn-based strategy)
* widelands (real time strategy, settlers-like)
* worldofpadman (first person shooter)

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