On this opportunity I take advantage to show you some old drawings I did for highschool between 1998 and 1999, when I was between 17 and 18 respectively.
This drawing isn't finished, as you could see. It's Ed White, the first American astronaut to carry out a space walk. Space topics always had an important role in my childhood and teenage drawings.
Imagen original / original image
Imagen de Nueva York, hecho con témpera, acrílico, marcadores y tinta china.
New York, made with temper, acrilic, marker pen and India ink.
Interior del Museo Juan Domingo Perón, de Lobos. El trabajo consistía en visitar el lugar y obtener algunas imágenes que lo representasen.
Interior of the Museum of President Juan Domingo Perón, in Lobos. The assignment was that we had to go to the museum and capture some vistas from that area.