Los esmaltes con glitters son mis favoritos. Me encantan y no puedo resistirme a ninguno porque cada esmalte con glitter es especial y diferente entre sí. Glitter nail polishes are my favorites. I love them and I can't resist any because each glitter nail polish is special and different from each other.MAYBELLINE - Color show - Polka Dots - 198 Shooting Stars
Los esmaltes Polka Dots de MAYBELLINE han sido unos de los primeros esmaltes low cost con glitters que están al alcance de cualquiera. En parte por eso son tan famosos.Aunque también lo son por lo especialmente bonitos que son todos los que han llegado a España.MAYBELLINE Polka Dots have been one of the first low cost glitters nail polish that are available to everyone. Partly because they are so famous.But are famous too because are especially beautiful all of those who have arrived to Spain.
MAYBELLINE - Color show - Polka Dots - 198 Shooting Stars
El Shooting Stars es un esmalte con base azul eléctrico y glitters hexagonales de varios tamaños en colores blanco y negro mate.Shooting Stars is a nail polish with electric blue based and hexagonal glitters of various sizes in matte white and black.MAYBELLINE - Color show - Polka Dots - 198 Shooting Stars |
Like other Polka Dots nail polishes are a bit more complicated to apply than other glitter nail polish. It's because base which is quite aqueous for glitters size. This makes further that need to apply three thin layers to make color intense and opaque. The nail polish dries very quickly and remove it's fairly straightforward.
MAYBELLINE - Color show - Polka Dots - 198 Shooting Stars |
It's very hard to resist to buy these polishes because they are beautiful and very good investment for which cost, only 1.99€. I've found them in El Corte Inglés and BODYBELL.
Y vosotras:
¿Tenéis alguno de los esmaltes Polka Dots de Maybelline?¿Qué opinais del esmalte Shooting Stars?
¿Os gustan los esmaltes glitter tanto como a mi?
And you:
Do you have any Maybelline Polka Dots nail polishes?
What do you think about Shooting Stars nail polish?
Do you like glitter nail polish as much as me?
Gracias por estar ahí.Thanks for being there.[email protected]