The trend of using neon colors in your outfit is growing every day more and certainly not be lacking this year. Accessories are generally used as a focal point of the whole look, but for those who want something more dramatic is valid to use an item in a color Neon unicolor or a tight dress with simple lines.

ADVERTENCIA:Sino quieres parecerte a linterna verde trata de no exagerar el look optando por accesorios sencillos y discretos ( en caso de usar una prenda neón). Si por el contrario son los accesorios los que quieres destacar, recuerda que menos es mas, mantenlo simple y armonioso para la vista.
WARNING: If you do not want to look like Green Lantern, try not to exaggerate the look by opting for simple and discreet accessories (if you wear a garment neon). If, however, are the accessories that you want to emphasize, remember that less is more, keep it simple and harmonious to the eye.
Fergie wearing neon shoes ¿Love it or hate it?
Personalmente aun no poseo ninguna prenda de vestir en estos colores, pero si cuento con varios accesorios muy sencillos que siempre se hacen notar cuando los uso.
Personally I have not yet any clothing in these colors, but if I have several very simple accessories that always are noted when using

Si esto no te parece suficiente, puedes ver que las fashion bloggers comparten esta tendencia
Check it out this trend on fashion bloggers
Juls de University Lifestyle (Beautiful Monster)
This is my favorite trend of the week ¿What do you think?
Besitos fashionistas! Lou.
oxox, lou.
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