Evidentemente, se trata de un tratamiento para pieles que empiezan a ser maduras, en las que lo interesante es redefinir el óvalo de la cara, los pómulos y tener un cuello estilizado. Su fórmula hipoalergénica ha sido testada bajo control dermatológico y está enriquecida con Agua Termal de Vichy, calmante y regenerante. No tiene parabenes en su composición. En mi caso, utilizo la de pieles normales a mixtas, pero también la hay para pieles secas.
Girls, today I want to talk about the day cream I use and I can assure you that after aplicándomela take more than a month, the results I have obtained could not be better. It is made under the seal of Vichy laboratories (for me is the best there is). Its ingredients have a unique combination of assets: the proteic Gf, which stimulates the growth factors, essential in rebuilding the skin structure, and the Pro-Xylane, which strengthens the tissues that support the skin.
Obviously, it is a treatment for skin that are becoming mature, you redefine what is interesting is the oval of the face, cheeks and have a slim neck. Its hypoallergenic formula has been dermatologically tested and is enriched with Vichy Thermal Water, soothing and regenerating. No parabens in their composition. In my case, I use for normal to combination skin, but also for dry there.

Aquí os dejo un vídeo para que veáis cómo debe aplicarse esta crema de una manera óptima. Si la probáis, espero que os guste el resultado. Mil besos!!! Here you have a video so you can see how to apply this cream in an optimal manner. If you test, hope you like the result. A thousand kisses!
Feliz sábado! Happy Saturday!