Mapa Galáctico (Vía)
No Man's Sky es un juego creado por Hello Games. Contrario a GTA & otros juegos triple A, esta obra de arte interactiva no contó con un staff de cientos de programadores, artistas, entre otros. 6 personas---4 programadores & dos artistas---colaboraron para crear la magia matemática que genera todo un cosmos digital. Ya categorías como "juego grande" no dan para describir No Man's Sky. Y es que el juego cuenta con 18 quintillones de planetas para explorar; cuerpos celestes con dimensiones iguales o mayores a las de nuestro planeta. Todo lo que acontece---clima, vida, geología, audio, navegación, etc.---es generado en el momento en que el gamer aborda el juego: "“You can get philosophical about it,” Murray once said. “Does that planet exist before you visit it? Sort of not—until the maths create it.”"Me reservo el delirio geek & los dejo con el siguiente pasaje, publicado por The New Yorker, sobre formas, matemática & posibilidades incalculables:
"Last year, he (Sean Murray, creador del juego) saw the film “Interstellar,” which features scenes of a lifeless snowy planet that “had some very perfect ‘mathlike’ terrain.” The next day, he developed formulas that would create similar crevasses. More recently, he had noticed geological formations that an artist had hand-designed for another video game, and realized that the algorithms of No Man’s Sky were not equipped to make them. The problem nagged at him, until he found an equation, published in 2003 by a Belgian plant geneticist named Johan Gielis. The simple equation can describe a large number of natural forms—the contours of diatoms, starfish, spiderwebs, shells, snowflakes, crystals. Even Gielis was amazed at the range when he plugged it into modelling software. “All these beautiful shapes came rolling out,” he told Nature. “It seemed too good to be true—I spent two years thinking, What did I do wrong? and How come no one else has discovered it?” Gielis called his equation the Superformula." --- Vía World Without and End.