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Título: Shiver
Autor: Maggie Stiefvater
Año: 2009
ED: Scholastic Children's Books
ISBN: 978 1407 11500 9
Shiver is the first of the book series “Mercy Falls wolves” by Maggie Stiefvater, where we see the story from the ponit of view of Grace and Sam.
The synopsis of the book is:
The pack circled aroud me, tongues and teeth and growls.
When a local boy is killed by wolves, Grace's small town becomes a place of fear and suspicion. But Grace can't help being fascinated by the pack, and by one yellow-eyed wolf in particullar. There's spmething about him – something almos human.
Then she meets a yellow-eyed boy whose familiarity takes her breath away...
A chilling love story that will have you hooked from the very first page.
In fact, not me hooked from the first page, not the second, or third... was almost half of the book, page 245. Although it's true that one of the reasons I bought the book, was the synopsis was interesting to me, plus I was looking for some literature to entertain, having read the first two books from the saga “The hunger games” had need to fill the emptiness left by the intrigue of the third book “Mockingjay” -I still wait the day when I could read it-.
So I was disappointed whit the fist half of shiver, because I had big expectations that this books had more action and less romance, and just wanted to finish the book, because I bought the book and I had read some reviews that have said shiver was a great book. So deep down I wished that the book started to improve. And it did.
When I started reading the chapter on page 245, made me think was beginning to change the story, I thought the book wouldn't shed more “honey” on my desk, but, despite I was wrong, I started to like this touch of drama-thriller-romance, although the action was still lost somewhere in the story.
It seems that I wouldn't be disappointed at all. Almost 100 pages later my heart begins to accelerate to focus all my attention in the book, as it gives an amazing twist, such a way that wouldn't let me detach myself from reading... If not 'cause it was night and had to sleep to go to school for the next morning, I definitely think it was over that night
The end, as I had read in others reviews, you hooked!, is great as does having your attention to every detail, sometimes I returned a few pages to re-read some dialogues and feelings of the characters. If not for that little change in the middle of the book I had not finished reading, and I never have could enjoy both having read what I read.
My favorite characters were Grace and Jack, the first for showing good judgment, and the second by the mystery that wrapped him, and I think Jack is my favorite of all of them.
One thing that I like from the beginning was that each chapter has a note of the “current” temperature, that gives a sense of credibility to the story, and also independently of the temperature of the place were you're reading the book, will creates an atmosphere like to the book, and if you have imagination you can feel the temperature changes.