Tira de Boromir I

Publicado el 12 febrero 2010 por Saerwen
¿Te acordás de Catherine Chmiel, la de las ilustraciones de hace unos días? Hoy vas a ver otra faceta de ella.       
Mi traducción va a ser más que libre  
  Y para que se te pegue... La canción de Gil-Galad cantada por Bill Nighy.  Gil-galad was an Elven-king.Of him the harpers sadly sing:The last whose realm was fair and freeBetween the Mountains and the Sea.
His sword was long, his lance was keen,His shining helm afar was seen;The countless stars of heaven's fieldWere mirrored in his silver shield.
But long ago he rode away,And where he dwelleth, that none can say... For into darkness fell his starIn Mordor where the shadows are.