El rosa es un color con igual cantidad de seguidoras como de detractoras. Yo me tengo por una persona que no rechaza ningún color (ahora que los labiales marrones y yo nos hecho amigos) y por eso adopto gustosa cualquier esmalte de uñas.Pink is a color with the same amount of followers as detractors. I'm a person who does not reject any coloring (brown lipsticks and I right now were friends) and so willingly adopt any nail polish.ETUDE HOUSE - Pink Prism Nails - #3 Every Pink
ETUDE HOUSE - Pink Prism Nails - #3 Every Pink
Es un esmalte tipo top coat de base transparente con glitters rosa chicle. Hay glitters hexagonales muy pequeños, otros enormes y corazones.It's a type top coat nail polish of clear base with bubblegum pink glitters. There hexagonal very small glitters, some huge hexagonal glitters and hearts.ETUDE HOUSE - Pink Prism Nails - #3 Every Pink |
In these photos, taken in direct sunlight, you can see how it is applied to the enamel lovely Kleancolor Fairy Lover (you can see last one nail polish in this link).
ETUDE HOUSE - Pink Prism Nails - #3 Every Pink |
This nail polish polish glitters size, which are mostly huge as you can see, do it a little difficult to apply, but with a little patience is achieved. These photos are taken with natural light.

Como siempre compré el Every Pink de ETUDE HOUSE en ebay. Normalmente hay varios de este tipo que podéis conseguir por puja, cosa que os recomiendo porque muchas veces se consiguen auténticos chollos y siempre está bien ahorrar unos dineros que podemos invertir en otras cosas (o en más cosméticos). El vendedor al que se lo compré yo ya no lo tiene disponible pero otro vendedor de Ebay al que le he hecho varios pedidos y es totalmente de confianza, hsckoreanimports, si lo vende aquí.
As always I bought this polish Korean ETUDE HOUSE on ebay. Normally there are several of this nail polish that can be purchased by auction, which I really recommend because they often get real bargains and is always well save some money that we can invest in other things (or more cosmetic). The seller where I bought it have not it available but another Ebay seller that I have made several orders and is totally trustworthy, hsckoreanimports, sell it here.Y a vosotr@s:
¿Os gusta el Every Pink de ETUDE HOUSE?¿Que opináis de la combinación de morado y rosa?
And you:
Do you like Every Pink of ETUDE HOUSE?What do you think of the combination of purple and pink?Gracias por estar ahí.Thanks for being there.[email protected]