El 2 de agosto Matadero Madrid y Mahou sin reabren la Ribera Matadero, un espacio con vistas al río que ofrece eventos culturales y fiestas cada fin de semana, con conciertos y videocreaciones de "carismáticas figuras del underground madrileño". Y es que lo original de esta iniciativa es la posibilidad que tiene quien quiera (y sea seleccionado para ello) de presentar su propio espectáculo, sirviéndose de los 2 Escaravox, unas plataformas creativas ideadas para representar creaciones musicales, artísticas o audiovisuales, diseñadas por el arquitecto madrileño Andrés Jaque, que el Ayuntamiento de Madrid pone a disposición de los artistas. Quien quiera formar parte de la programación de Ribera Matadero puede hacerlo enviando tu propuesta, hasta el 23 de agosto, a [email protected] .

Ribera Matadero is back, with a terrace and view to the riverside

On August the 2nd the Matadero Madrid and the beer brand Mahou sin re-open the Ribera Matadero, a space with a view to the river included that offers cultural events and parties every weekend, with concerts so as videocreations by "charismatic figures of Madrid´s underground scene". The coolest of this initiative is the possibility that has everyone who wants (and who gets selected for it) of presenting his/her own spectacle, with the help of a Escaravox, two creative platforms designed to represent musical, artistic or audio-visual creations designed by Madrid´s architect Andrés Jaque, that the Town hall puts at the disposal of the artists. Whoever wants to take part of Ribera Matadero´s program can do it by sending his/her proposal to [email protected] until August the 23rd. So, Ribera Matadero offers open spectacleson Fridays and many activities and concerts like the followings on Saturdays:Aug 2nd and 3rd. Water sportsWhat better way to enjoy the night air than with a refreshing dip? Come over with your bikini and flip-flops.Aug 9th and 10th. Drawing PaperCome along to Ribera Matadero and get down to work: on paper or on screen, all artists and their tools are welcome. Also urban knitting and yarn bombing.Aug 16th and 17th. The ReverbenaFollowing in the footsteps of La Verbena de la Paloma, the two days after will serve to revive and relive this authentic and popular festival. Aug 23rd and 24th. Here and Now: actionPerformance: the art of action and experience, those present will be the protagonists.Aug 30th and 31st. Geek-vision (underworlds)The nerds have always been responsible for bringing the best-kept secrets of the underground to the surface.Sep 6th and 7th. Popular DocumentationReflections on the city and its citizens through their own photographs and films.When: Every weekend, from the 2nd of August to the 7th of September. As from 9.00 pm.Where: Matadero Madrid. Paseo de la Chopera, 14, Madrid.How much: Free.By Lorena Schmitzberger - Cityholic - cityholic.blogspot.com.es/