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50 preguntas para entrevistas au pair

Publicado el 16 octubre 2015 por Aupairsuitcase @aupairsuitcase

¿Qué puede preguntar un@ au pair en las entrevistas con las familias? Las preguntas del au pair serán en inglés seguramente, así que aquí dejo varias posibles. Gracias a toda la gente que ha contado su experiencia au pair, me he grabado a fuego lo importante que es elegir una buena familia anfitriona y tomarse las cosas con calma para analizar bien después de las entrevistas, si la familia con la que has hablado encaja o no encaja del todo contigo. 

Desde mi punto de vista, la intuición personal hace mucho,  pero no todo. Cada persona sabe cómo es y dónde, cómo y con quién podría sentirse más cómodo. Así que para tener las entrevistas algo controladas, he hecho un compendio de 50 preguntas uniendo las que he ido leyendo y me han parecido más interesantes y otras de cosecha propia
aupair Obviamente, no hay que hacerlas todas seguidas ni en la primera entrevista, si no que cada cual se prepare lo que considere más importante, porque las familias también tienen su listado de preguntas para ti. Un dato que me pareció curioso. En contra de lo que pensaba al principio, dado que a mí que me gusta mucho preguntar, las familias están encantadas con que les preguntes por TODO, puesto que eso les muestra tu interés hacia ellos. Al contrario de lo que pensé al principio, que era que podía ser hasta molesto hacerles ¡semejante entrevista! Os lo dejo en vídeo: 

Post relacionados:

  1. Consejos para entrevistas con familias aupair
  2. Posibles preguntas que te harán las familias
  3. 40 preguntas que hacer a la actual aupair
  4. 30 preguntas que hacer a los niños

About the family

  1. Could you describe the personality of each member of the family?
  2. How is one day on your family? 
  3. What kind of activities do you do on weekends?
  4. Do you spend your free time in family? What do you usually do?
  5. Do you like travel and meet new places? Would you like that your aupair take part in your free time activities too?
  6. How does your family celebrate holidays, parties or birthdays?
  7. Do you meet adult friends or family friends over regularly?
  8. When something bad or upsetting happens in your family, how do you handle it?
  9. Why do you want to have an aupair? 
  10. What kind of rules would you ask an aupair to follow?

Other questions about the family

  1. What type of food do you eat? Do you like cooking and tasting new meals?
  2. Do you follow any diet in particulary? Do you usually eat or have dinner together?
  3. Do you work inside or outside the house?
  4. Do you have pets? If you have pets – Are they allowed to go outside on their own? Are they friendly? Do I have to look after the pet? 
  5. Are you religous? Do you have any special religous habit? 

About children

  1. Could you tell me about their personalities or how do they get along with each other?
  2. Are they going to day care, preschool or school? How far is school from your house?
  3. Does the kids do any activity after school? When your child has a game, a play or an activity – who in your family goes to watch?
  4. What do they like to do? What activities do you like me to do with the children?
  5. Does the children have any heath problem?
  6. Could I go to parks, zoos or museums with the children? 
  7. Do they like to play games outside?
  8. What time do your children wake up?
  9. What forms of discipline do you use? 
  10. What do you consider most challenging about your children? 
  11. Do you allow your children and their friends to play in your house?
  12. Would you describe your children as “high energy” or “mild energy”?
  13. Do you want that I talk with your children in Spanish or in English

About our responsabilities

  1. What will be my main duties as your aupair? 
  2. What kind of housework will I have to do? Will I have to go to the supermarket, for example?
  3. Do you have a fixed timetable for the organization of your aupair's work?
  4. What do you expect for your aupair?
  5. How many hours does the aupair have to work more or less? At what time does my work begin? And finish?
  6. Do I have to work weekends?
  7. If you need extra hours, how much you're willing to pay for them? How often would you need me to work extra hours? 
  8. Can you list my responsabilities for each child?
  9. Will I have to drive them? When, to where, how often?

Place of residence

  1. Can you describe me your neighborhood? What I can expect when I see it for the first time?
  2. How is the weather like?
  3. Are there any family with children or aupair near your area?
  4. Are there any library or playground nearby?

About our free time

  1. Which will be my free time? How can I use it?
  2. Can I use the car in my free time? What kind of transportation do I have access to?
  3. Will there be a curfew on weeknights and weekends?
  4. Can I stay at friends on weekends?
  5. Can I travel on weekend to anywhere if I have free time?
  6. How will I go to college/university? Are there places or oportunities to study near your home?
  7. Will I have access to the internet? Is there any restriction with it?
  8. How will be the aupair's room? Will I share the bathroom?
  9. Would you be fine with me inviting friends or family to visit me?

   Por último, me gustaría que tuvieras en cuenta durante tu proceso de entrevistas, lo importantísimo que es no quedarte con ninguna duda acerca de tu nueva familia o de tus futuros quehaceres. Con la emoción del momento, puede que no caigas en preguntar determinadas cosas o que te de un poco de apuro hacerlo porque las familia las puede malinterpretar. En ese caso, busca la mejor manera de comunicarte con la familia para que no haya malos entendidos y ¡muchísima suerte y ánimo en tu nueva aventura como au pair! 

¿Qué preguntas hiciste en tus entrevistas?

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