"I'm sitting at the van Abbemuseum's library. Suddenly, the door opens. A group of students/participants from "Summer School" of Van Abbe are coming into the room. A queue, more or less messy, everyone with a paper of different dimensions...at the end, the last one shakes a DIN2 and makes an strange sound with his mouth...
After them, Clare Butcher, one of the coordinators of the project, with a video cam, she is recording everything...

They go up stairs to the second floor and there, they starts to declaim, words, concepts about autonomy. When they finish, they leave the library. Probably, they are walking now through the museum.
It isn't a madness. It is the first step of the Autonomy Project."

One afternoon, I saw the conversation between Jeroen Bomgaard, Galit Eilat, Annie Fletcher and Steven ten Thije. "The autonomy it's impossible. It's a concept. If we want to use it, the autonomy is gone. In a practical level, it's a promise given by the system to us. then...let's use it!" they said.
The objective isn't get answers, but make all the possible questions.

The project goes on...and I have the feeling that there is still a lot to think about it, let's see what is the next!!!