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¿Porqué los Filmes en India son Censurados?

Publicado el 26 junio 2014 por Historias De La India @HistoriasIndia
A novel with a powerful beginning: a troop of Langur monkeys kills most of the group of Rhesus monkeys that live in the old cemetery of Kolkata. The survivors are snatched from their home in this dramatic attack. After this opening Richard Kurti guides us to a place where time is measured in Seasons, Moons and maybe other forms of more primitive lapses. In fact, we assist to one of those episodes that determine the course of history of… only monkeykind?
Monkey Wars The author starts from a real incident that connects this story of apes with the human beings. In 2007 the Deputy Mayor of Delhi died after being attacked by a gang of Rhesus macaques. In order to find a solution to this sort of acts of violence the authorities tried using Langurs, a fiercer breed of monkey, to put the Rhesus off.
In Monkey Wars, the Rhesus live peacefully before the attack. They actually believe monkeys are gods and have the perception that people pay homage to them as the living representation of the Monkey-God they worship.
As for the Langurs, the Rhesus territory squatters, their assumed duty is to bring peace to the city. They know what means to be a Langur and will face all attempts of destabilization and terrorism by the means of a militarized state based on ideological control and totalitarianism.
In a delicious night adventure Papina, a young Rhesus female, meets Mico, a small but smart Langur monkey. Their complicated relationship ends up being crucial in this story. Mico will be in between the Langurs and the Rhesus. Commanded by Tyrell, a paranoid monkey that trusts Mico at first, he’ll help Papina and the other Rhesus to survive far from home.
Loyal to Tyrell but not a sellout, Mico has asked himself about the others. Are they as wicked as they say? He casts doubt on Langurs’ morals and realizes that under Tyrell’s instructions everything is meant to be conspiracy and threat. That’s why the Langurs have assaulted in a pitched battle not only the Rhesus but also other group, the Bonnets.
What we find in this novel is dynamic narrative, as agile as its characters’ movements, which are natural to monkeys and also crucial for them, especially for the Rhesus to keep safe. Richard Kurti has shaped a great fresco of society for those who may see this monkeys chronicle taken as an obvious metaphor for human power structure. The author has not just observed the monkeys but, above all, the humans, and taken their psychology to depict characters. The dark ones, such as Deputy Tyrell, are really well created. He is a manipulative monkey who surrounds himself with circles to get reinforced as the new leader-to-be. Regarding Mico, Papina and the others, they all own a rich and humanlike profile.
This novel’s got potential as a movie. I could see the images while reading and thought about it once and again. The atmosphere in the intimate or massive situations is very well grasp, which is a plus. It’s a great and very well written novel about military organization, its hierarchy, corrupt practices of politics, mistrust, betrayal,power struggles and a nicely finished criticism about manipulation.
pimientos. Cubrimos una sartén con el aceite e introducimos la carne, la rehogamos en el aceite para luego añadirle la cebolla y los ajos. Dejamos que la cebolla empiece a transparentar  y entonces añadimos las otras verduras. Bajamos el fuego y cocinamos lentamente, revolviendo de vez en cuando para que todos los ingredientes queden bien cocidos, aproximadamente veinte minutos. Le añadimos los champiñones y el vino blanco. Dejamos que el vino se evapore. Por último le añadimos el orégano y salpimentamos. Removemos y vertemos todo sobre las lentejas.
Dejamos cocinar cinco minutos más a fuego muy bajo. Rectificamos de sal si fuera necesario. Apartamos del fuego y dejamos templar. Ya queda listo para servir.
áreas rurales cada dia más supera las expectativas y una gran cantidad de jóvenes profesionales se destacan en el área de las telecomunicaciones  y el outsourcing. Por ende, el empeño del gobierno en censurar todos los medios de comunicación se considera un anocronismo y un atraso para el país. Además de ello, es absurdo pretender controlar un país con una población superior a los 1.200 millones de habitantes…

¿Has experimentado alguna vez un corte de censura en la India? ¡Cuentanos tu experiencia en la sección de comentarios!

LorenaMena© 2014

Fuentes Bibliográficas:

Incredible India  por Rajnee Vyas

Censor Board Deletes Sinking Scenes from Titanic por India Update

India’s Censorship Struggle por The Diplomat


Lorena Mena

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